A Week To Make This Work? Are You Serious?

What will happen on Sunday 14th September?
We will be pressing ‘send’ on our computers, to forward an email plea to businesses, media, radio, TV and anyone else we can think of, who could help us achieve our goal. We will have exactly one week to convince people in Australia to give us beds, jobs, a vehicle, clothing, food and everything else we will need to get around Australia without any money or possessions.

What will happen one week later on Sunday 21st September?
We will, in a grand gesture, sit on the main shopping and café mall in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia, with nothing but a black bin liner, and wait for things to happen. We are hoping people will answer our pleas positively and set us up with everything we need.

Erm…but what if they don’t? What if nobody gives you what you need?
Then you do not have as much faith in people as we do. I am sure people will want to help out a good cause and be involved in an audacious plan.

No seriously, what if you are sat there all day and no one takes a blind bit of notice of you?
Then the world has lost its sense of humour. I will wish to live no longer. I will eat last night’s kebab remains, sober.

Won’t this be really, I mean, really difficult?
Erm… yeh.

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